Session 1: July 2nd – July 15th, 2022
Creative & Entrepreneurial Summer Camp- Ages: 13 – 17
2 Final Places
The SILC Creative & Entrepreneurial Summer Camp in Grasse, Southern France, is a unique camp that combines creative and outdoor activities with hands-on entrepreneurial training, amounting to a fun and valuable experience for our students. It is suitable both for students with an artistic or entrepreneurial background willing to further enhance their skills, as well as for students without prior experience but eager to discover and develop their talents.
Students experiment with filmmaking, photography, drawing, painting, music, dance, media training, storytelling, brand identity, interview skills and amazing outdoor activities; at the same time, they create their own project during the camp, which lends the possibility of focusing in-depth in a specific area of their choice.
More info:
Skylines Study Abroad | 60, Amarousiou-Halandriou Av., 15125 – Athens, Greece
Tel. 210 67 77 779 (ext..211)